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What if we were all runners?

Running for me began in high school as simply a way to earn my Letter!  Little did I know, this was going to be the beginning to life change in my adult years! I did learn I had some potential in running…I loved to run but after graduation, due to some injuries I stopped.
9 years ago as a 32-year-old mother, my youngest started kindergarten and I decided to take on running again. I don’t really know why, but I just had to run. I began to meet other mothers who also wanted more than just sitting over coffee! We wanted to be runners, and this common ground started our own personal group running therapy. It was a small group who could share thoughts, struggles, disappointments, along with wins we were having in life. You can share anything out on a run. It’s a safe place.
Over the years my little mom group grew to a very diverse group of adults of many ages. Both male and female with different beliefs and backgrounds came together every week with one common goal, to train and run together “rain or shine.” It’s interesting to me, that a group of very different people, can have peace with each other and simply run, enjoying the company of the group! The group run is my favorite run of the week.
I often wonder, “would our diverse world be a better place to live if we all were runners?”
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