
Running Roundup – A collection of running links around the internet

Oh my gosh, as John McEnroe would say, “You cannot be serious!” That dude is actually running a 360-degree loop!!

* Need some motivation to run? You might try a website that exploits the fact that people are “motivated more by fear of loss than by gain”; these websites basically make you pledge to pay up if you fail to achieve your fitness (or weight loss) goals. One of them lets you designate who your money goes to if you fail. Apparently, it’s most effective if you pledge an “anti-charity” — i.e., some group that you really don’t want to get your money …

* Might you be addicted to running? The parallels between substance abuse and excessive exercise come up as jokes (“ha ha, exercise addiction, the one addiction that’s good for you”), and while no one would seriously advocate cessation of running, apparently it’s not a totally ridiculous comparison at the extremes. Or is it?

* On the other hand, maybe what the world — at least, the Western world — needs is more exercise/running addicts. The World Health Organization is reporting that “[b]eing overweight is so common in Europe that it risks becoming ‘the new norm’, with around a third of teenagers now heavier than is recommended for their health.” Well, at least Europeans can stop making “fat Americans” jokes now….

* “6 Simple Ways to Run Faster“: these are pretty common suggestions for running faster, but if you’re looking for a quick resource on the topic, it’s a good place to start.

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